Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sutter's Fort

Today I walked to Sutter's Fort! I had planned to do this last week and ended up putting it off. Today turned out to be a good day to go though. There were a bunch of school groups and they were having demonstrations of making butter, candle making, etc. and I got to watch (and hear!) the cannon being fired. It was a little crowded because there were so many kids but it's nice to see kids excited about history so I didn't mind.

I had a very nice, though tiring, walk and saw lots of cool stuff. Across the street from Sutter's Fort is the Pioneer Congregational Church which has a labyrinth in their courtyard. Their website says it is open to anyone so later on I'm going to go back and walk it. I've always wanted to do that. Lots of beautiful trees & leaves of course and some really neat houses.

Sign outside. I guess that was obvious!

Entrance to Fort.

Inside view of yard area.

Looking over the top of the fort you remember it isn't 1849.

This house was across the street from Sutter's Fort. I thought it was really neat looking.

I think this is a Japanese Maple?? Jill??

Labyrinth in church courtyard.


View from side of fort.


Um, I forget what this building was! It's inside the fort yard.

Cannon's aimed at downtown Sacramento.

Demonstration area.

The kids that went down here said this was a spooky room. I guess you have to be about 10 to get the spookiness because I missed it!

Blacksmith shop.

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