Saturday, November 7, 2009

He Came Out!!!

I was working in the living room this afternoon going through stuff and heard a noise. I looked up and Pippin was standing in the hallway looking at me! I told him how brave he was and then kind of ignored him (watching out of the corner of my eye) and he ventured into the bathroom and then into the living room. Of course I had to take pictures! Once he was out he started exploring the whole place. Now he's back in the bedroom, somebody walked up the stairs outside and scared him. Oh well. I think now that he has explored a little he'll start coming out more. I was getting worried that he'd never leave the bedroom. Oh, he's back out already!

Pippin in the window!

Checking out the TV connection.

Mellifera was not happy. Which is reasonable - how would you feel if someone was being praised for something you'd been doing all along!

Pippin went back into the bedroom once & Mellifera sat in the doorway and hissed to try and keep him from leaving. She thinks the rest of the house belongs to her!

Peeking outside!


jet said...

maybe his little cat psyche is starting to recover.

robin michelle said...

Well I certainly hope so. I'm tired of having food in my room. At least the litterbox is in the hallway now and slowly inching its way toward the bathroom!

Peruby said...

I think they like it!