Thursday, November 20, 2008

Your Tax Dollars At Work

So it is 10:21 am and I have returned from my IRS audit. My appt was at 8:30 - I was a little late the reason for which I'll explain shortly. I was back in my car by 9:34. Not bad. I think they took longer with Jill. Then again when they can get $1900 out of you I guess they are willing to let you leave faster. Not that they really got it out of me. That is what they decided I owe though.

This was an audit of my 2006 taxes and they billed me for 3 additional things: 1) disallowed my head of household status. 2) I had income from an unnamed source (initials wac) that I should have put down as self-employment income & paid taxes on. 3) I made $72 in interest that I hadn't declared. I don't even remember this. So I now owe, to be precise, $1937 to the IRS. I'm not happy.

However, I have a plan. Everyone who reads this should send me $1. They should tell everyone they know to send me $1. They can tell everyone they know to send me $1. I think between us all we should know 1937 people, don't you? The only flaw I see in this is that I figure the IRS would consider it income and tax me on that. Either way I lose.

I know you are wondering why I was late. I'm generally not late for appointments and I left in plenty of time to park and walk over to the federal building. I dutifully left my cell phone in the car because you can't bring in camera cell phones. Unfortunately there are many items in my purse that I don't know anything about.

My purse went through the security scanner and the guy stops it and looks closely at the picture. Then he brings it out and asks if he can look inside. Being an upstanding citizen, I of course said yes. The first thing he found was a manicure kit. He didn't seem real concerned about that. Then he found my little handy-dandy folding tool kit. This he was concerned about. It has scissors, pliers and a little knife in it. Now I'd like to point out that none of these are very sharp and I don't really know why I keep them in my purse. I think the nail file is actually sharper. He didn't seem to care. He said I had to take it back to my car. I said can't I just leave it with you? Nope. Knives aren't allowed in the building. So I had to walk back (notice all the walking I got in today) to my car and then back to the building by which time I was about 10 minutes late.

I really don't think that I look like a threat to security but you just never know I guess. Anyway you can all sleep safely tonight knowing that the federal building is well protected. (I'm being a little facetious - I realize they have to be careful but it was kind of funny.) The only thing that bothers me is that while I have to go through security, employees walk in without being checked. How often do you hear of an employee flipping out & shooting their co-workers? I think they should be checked also! I have one more question. What are they doing in that building that they don't want pictures taken of?

Robin, the lonely (and dangerous) blog mistress

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