Mellifera is actually a very sweet cat despite sometimes snarling and swiping at people for no reason. Almost every day she climbs onto my lap and cuddles with me. She lays her head down and tilts it to the side and reaches her paw up to pat my face. She'll give kisses also.
Jill & I went to a cat show a couple of times in the past year and we saw some really pretty cats. I think Mellifera is prettier than all of them though!
Robin, the lonely blog mistress
She has a sweet face and can be so lovable but if you pet her at the wrong moment, watch out!! That's Tianni, too. Mellifera has that cute little beauty mark...Tianni just has a white hairs in her black coat and a fat sack we call her'm just mad at her right niow because all week as I was studying for an exam, she kept meowing at my door whenever I tried to nap.
I think they just don't like doors being shut. Cats figure everything revolves around them!
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