Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some pictures

My grass is growing amazingly fast! I think I can almost see it growing. I guess another day or so and I'll put it down for my cats. Then I'd better plant more because it'll go fast!

This is Pippin. He was relaxing in the sun and turned to look at me so I got a really cute picture of him!

I think this is a Mountain Bluebird. It was on the fence outside my window and was kind enough to stay and allow me to take a picture and look at the bird book. This is the first bird I've been able to get a picture of and I was very excited!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Cool that you caught the bird in a pic! I love to take pics of the birds that visit my feeders and the squirrels that steal their food!

Hope your cat likes the grass!

robin michelle said...

I was very excited to get the picture! I've been trying to get more today but they won't come close. I hear lots of tweeting but can't see them!