Tuesday, April 13, 2010

National Library Week

April 11-17 is National Library Week! If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you've probably caught on that I love libraries. When I'm happy I go to the library and feel happier and when I'm sad I go and feel better. How can you not feel better? Surrounded by all those books. And they're free! You can check them out, bring them home with you and spend as long as you want (ok, three weeks, longer if there's no hold!), curled up reading, getting lost in another world, learning something new or just admiring the big stack on your living room floor.

Yeah that's where mine usually sit. I wonder where other people keep their library books? I like to have them close by so I can pick up one and read whenever I feel like it. I have books all over but usually the library books stay in the living room. It may not be much decor-wise but it makes me happy.Also it's easier to find them when they are due!

The biggest library I've been in is The British Library. I could gladly have stayed there forever and I left part of my heart behind when I left. Probably the smallest is the Niles Branch in Alameda County. And, in all honesty, I left part of my heart there also. I do every time I leave a library. And every time I close a book. I love books and I love to read. It's just such a magical thing to be able to pick up a book and read it.

Yesterday I read The Children of Hurin, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Curled up on the couch with my cats and reading a book. I can't think of a better way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon. I actually had this book, I'd bought it quite awhile ago but hadn't got around to reading it yet. But if I hadn't owned it I could have gone to the library and borrowed it.

When I have money I buy a lot of books but I still go to the library. I'm always surprised when someone tells me they don't go to libraries. How can you possibly read everything you want if you don't? You can find what you didn't know you needed by browsing the books! Even if I were wealthy someday (not very likely to happen!), I'd still go to the library. It would be impossible for me to ever buy all the books I want. And often there are books that I read that I don't want to keep. It's nice to be able to borrow, read and then return them.

This turned into something of a rambling post. My point with all this is to say Use Your Library! Support Libraries! And be thankful that they are available!


Peruby said...

It is one of my fears that one of my dogs will pulverize a library book. I have been keeping mine in a tote by my bed so they can't get to them.

I really enjoy biographies (probably why I like blogs) and books that were made into a movie.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

When I was growing up I lived at the library and the beach. Our library was in a HUGE old mansion. Wonderful atmosphere in which to peruse.

I like to go to the book exchange too.

robin michelle said...

Peruby: I'm sure if they ever get hold of one it will be an expensive book, not a cheap one! Hmm, maybe that's why I like blogs too. I love hearing about people's lives!

Carol: The library & the beach - that's a great combination! It sounds like you had a wonderful library. I like it when they are in distinctive buildings.