Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm a little worried. I've been watching birds outside my window lately and wondering what kind they were. Last week I got a field guide to birds from the library so I could figure out what I was looking at. I don't know about the rest of you but my image of a birdwatcher is of someone about 70, kind of geeky and boring who goes around peering into a book or looking at the sky all the time. Oops aside from the age I guess that is me.

Seriously though I'm not mocking bird watchers! It's pretty interesting watching the birds but everytime I see one by the time I grab my camera and/or book the bird is gone. I think these are two that I've seen outside my window - a bluebird and a robin. I'm studying the book so that hopefully I'll eventually be able to identify them without having to page through the guide. I guess this is my newest hobby - birdwatching. Maybe I am old. At least it's something I can share with my cats!


Peruby said...

Birdwatching probably goes with age better because we actually take time to sit still and think.

Young people move around too much and the birds fly away.

This is my theory.

I think it is a great hobby and I enjoy the photos. I have a couple of birdwatchers comment on my blog from time to time.

This one comes to mind:

robin michelle said...

I like your theory! It really is interesting and some of the birds are beautiful. Thanks for the blog link - I'm going to add him to my reader!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

My first visit here. I think you commented on Crackpot Beader so I checked your link.

I always noticed nature when I was young. Always tried to make my yard attractive to birds. However, about 5 years ago I took a semi-serious interest in knowing what birds I am feeding. I am a birdwatcher, but not in the sense that I must keep track of each different one I see. I watch and learn about them and from them. I befriend them. Believe it, that most know my voice and when I say Good Morning Birdies, they know their breakfast has arrived.

Nice blog.
Love your poetry.

Wondering who you quoted in your profile.

robin michelle said...

Hi Carol, thanks for visiting! I'm really enjoying learning more about birds. I've considered feeding them but I'm afraid it would attract so many to my window that my cats would lose their minds.

The quote is from The Simple Art of Murder by Raymond Chandler. I should add that info to it!