Friday, April 9, 2010

Said I'd post every day. . .

April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

from The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot

Seriously this is true. I haven't had a good April for at least 20 years. This month is definitely no exception. I was going to skip posting today but I really want to keep to my commitment of posting everyday. That means you're stuck listening to my boring tale because I'm still too miserable to think of anything else to post.

This has just been an awful week and the bad part is that probably 90% of it is my own fault. Oh fine I guess I should be honest - 100% of it is definitely my fault. I have done some massively stupid things in my life but I did two stupid things this week that make everything else I've done look smart. Sorry to be vague but they aren't really things I can post. I'm just bemoaning my stupidity and hoping I've learned from it. It makes me think of this quote: Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. - Franklin P. Jones

Unfortunately I recognized both as mistakes even before following through. You'd think someone my age - well you can finish the sentence I guess.So today is April 9th. I don't know, maybe the month can be salvaged but I'm not hopeful.

Next year I'm going to skip April. I'm not sure how but I have a year to figure something out.


Peruby said...

Yuck. That sounds ominous. I am still glad you posted about it. Life isn't always sunny and bright. I get bored and a little nauseas reading about just the good stuff in people's lives. I

In every life some rain must fall? Is that the saying? Here's hoping your April rainstorm passes quickly.

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby. A good night sleep helped somewhat. I just have to think before I jump next time!