Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Posting How-to

I started thinking that maybe some of you have forgotten, or never knew, how to post. There are two ways:
  1. Log in as me. Go to https://www.blogger.com and sign in. You should have the user name & password in an email - if you can't find it let me know & I'll email it to you. Once you've logged in, you'll see New Post in the top right corner. Click on that & start posting!
  2. Log in as yourself (preferred). You need to be invited by me which I believe everyone has been. If you can't find your invitation I can send you a new one. This way you'll be able to post and it will show up as being from you.
So now you know how to post but you still don't know what to say, right? I'm going to make it very easy. Copy and paste the following paragraph and replace (blank) with your own information. Wasn't that easy?

Hi. My name is (blank) and I think this is a terrific blog. I can't say enough about the wonderful person who came up with this idea. She must be very smart and very bored. I live in (blank), an interesting little town. My family includes (blank). They are sort of strange people and nowhere near as interesting as the person who started this blog. I like to do (blank). A really interesting thing happened to me today/yesterday/last month/10 years ago. It was (blank). One of my goals in life, aside from contributing a lot of money to the Bury My Sister at St. Paul's fund, is to (blank). I am 10%/25%/50%/75%/never going to happen% on the way to achieving my goal. I plan to post to this blog on a regular basis because I want to put a smile on the face of the lonely Blog Mistress.

Note: You should feel free to edit the above to suit your own circumstances. However, all wording which refers to the creator of this blog must remain in your post.

The other way you can contribute if you don't want to post is by making comments. Comments are easy - at the bottom of each post it says 0 comments (or more but usually 0!), click on that and you'll go to a comment screen. You can comment anonymously if you want but it is nicer if we know who you are so your name can be removed from Christmas lists if necessary!

Robin, the lonely blog mistress (with high hopes)

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