Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Of Filing Cabinets & Car Windows

I have woven a parachute out of everything broken.
--William Stafford (when asked why he wrote poetry)

Losing weight is hard. I think that anyone who has ever tried will agree with me. One thing that makes it easier is support. A month or so ago I posted about my Accountability blog where I’m keeping track of what I eat every day. I don’t know how many of you have looked at it (well, actually I do but I’m trying to be subtle) but I’m really hoping that if you read this you’ll click on the word Accountability and take a look. Actually what I’d really like is if after reading the fascinating entries, you post a comment!

I’ve been doing this for 163 days now – wow that is a long time! – and have had a small but dedicated group of supporters. I’m afraid that I’m wearing them out though. I’m a very needy person and need lots of comments - come visit me!

One reason I’m writing a second post begging asking for supporters is because I haven’t been doing great for the last month of so. I’m kind of slipping on eating and exercise & really need people to yell at encourage me. As I started out saying, losing weight is hard. It is even harder when you’re depressed and going through some really difficult personal stuff. I was thinking the other day that I picked a pretty bad time in my life to make such a major change. But as I write this I’m realizing there probably is never a good time. We all have stress every day and if you wait to make important changes until you are stress-free you’ll never make them.

That said, and in my defense, in the past year I’ve made some pretty significant changes in my life. I changed jobs, moved, went to England & Paris (pretty cool, huh?), ended an 8-1/2 year relationship, changed my eating habits, cycled in and out of depression, started writing, lost 45 pounds, and um, I think that’s it. I’m stressed, I’m actually way beyond stressed so be nice to me, visit my blog & leave me comments! Oh yeah, also I’ll be starting school again next week – very nervous about that!

I am 99% convinced that no one is reading this blog. Oh I know a couple of people are but I sometimes feel that I’m just writing to myself. Prove me wrong! Visit my blog, leave me comments. Think how good it will feel to say, Robin was wrong! Just imagine what a good deed you’ll be doing. Every day I get up & the first thing I do is turn on my computer & look to see if anyone has left me a comment. Pathetic isn’t it? You’d think I’d have something better to do. Another benefit? If you leave me comments I might explain the title of this post to you!

The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.

Elia Kazan

Robin, the lonely blog mistress


stexeira said...

I'm going to leave this comment despite knowing full well what the title means. If you are a reader and are reading this comment and have not clicked on the Accountability link, shame on you. Do it. Do it now. Do it before you do anything else. If you don't, I'll hunt you down and cause grievous bodily harm.

Unknown said...

Hey there R.,

I have never commented in this way, so that I am not sure that you will receive this...
What an impressive blog and great way to share with people what is going on with you.

I think the fact that you have put yourself out there and have made progress on weightloss, exercise and getting out in general is really impressive.

I find that I am often plagued by stress too and it is hard to figure out how to conquer it sometimes. Sometimes I spiral downward and other times I just kind of hover in between.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep looking for things that you enjoy doing. And keep up the faith in yourself.


Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie! Thanks so much for the comment & encouragement. I think some days that is the only way to get through - just keep moving forward even if you aren't convinced you're getting anywhere. Think about doing a post sometime - it would be great to hear what you are all doing! Take care.

CMTM said...

I have woven a parachute out of everything broken.
--William Stafford (when asked why he wrote poetry)

I think you are doing an excellent job of weaving your parachute. Maybe the fact that you are doing this when so much change is going on is exactly what you need. What better way to start a new way of life when so much is changing in your life. you can also focus on all these positive changes that you are making and take pride in all that you have accomplished. Keep it up!! Your great!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you - I think you have a good point. It sometimes helps to remind myself that I've done other positive things & can continue making changes. Not always, but sometimes!