Friday, June 6, 2008

Please Read Me

Ok folks, pay attention, this is an important post. I have three blogs and I was totaling posts today and this post will be #405. That's a lot of posts. Now admittedly some on this blog were done by other people which I really appreciate. BUT the point is I shouldn't have to appreciate it - this is supposed to be a group blog. Group means more than one person, actually more than two I think. Well maybe two can be a group. I don't know - I'm getting sidetracked. Back to my original complaint.

I posted earlier asking for volunteers to take a day of the week but I guess all the responses got lost in cyberspace. Only one real person has voted in my poll (the other 2 were me & Jill). I'm getting rather discouraged. I really like the idea of this blog but if no one else is interested it seems kind of pointless. While I'm fascinated with my life and the trivia I come up with, I do have other outlets for it.

So here is my plan: I'm going to keep this up through June and at that point if people aren't interested I'm going to stop posting on a regular basis. I certainly won't delete the blog but I'm not going to make a commitment to updating it regularly unless there is significant interest. I don't know what I mean by significant - I get to decide at the end of June!

Lest you all think I'm just a grumpy evil person, I'll explain my reasoning. Keeping a blog up-to-date takes time. As noted, I have other blogs that are important to me personally (not that this one isn't important - it just takes more time/energy proportionate to its importance) and I'd rather put more energy into those. For some reason, a certain person keeps expecting work out of me which takes time. I also have many other fascinating, exciting things to do - ok not fascinating or exciting, nevertheless they are things I want to do. Everything takes time and hard as I've tried to stay awake 24 hrs/day, it just isn't working. My body insists upon sleeping and I'm running out of hours.

My idea when starting this blog was that it was a way for family/friends to communicate and share what was going on in their lives. I've shared my life guys - this is as interesting as it gets! I'd like to hear what the rest of you are doing, I'd like participation. It is kind of pointless for me to keep talking about my cats and weird things that I find interesting. While that is the point of many blogs, this one had a different purpose that I don't think has been fulfilled.

Let me know what you think!

Robin, the lonely blog mistress


stexeira said...

Well I for one would like this to continue. As a writer, you should get used to writing things and not knowing whether anybody is out there reading them. I agree that it's frustrating that nobody else contributes, but could they really rise to the level of your posts anyway?

I would like to volunteer to take a day, however. How does Monday sound? I think that's pretty doable for me. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Good point about the writing/not reading. I was hoping they could exceed the level of my posts!

Monday would be great - we'll be looking for you every Monday. Just fyi - this blog gets a lot (lot being a relative term) of hits from people searching for Gary Larson. You may want to include his name in all your posts.

Deni said...

I know I'm not a blood relative, but often I read your blog and don't post! I feel funny writing anything about me after I've commented on what you've written, unless you want to hear it. I could match things up a bit, if you're interested :)! One other thing, you'll most likely be hearing more from me once finals are over...Jill knows about this :D! Keep writing, I'm reading :D!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Denise - glad you're reading!