Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cat Brain

I found this on the Way of Cats blog. It's a pretty good diagram of a cat's brain I think although my cats are structured somewhat differently. The short circuit section is huge in Mellifera. One second she's sweet and purring, the next she's biting me. Pippin's largest section is the can opener sonar with a twist - if there's any chicken or turkey involved in a meal he moves so fast you can't see him! They both have the adoration of one spot on the bed - it's either where the other cat is or where I am. And they both have an overwhelming vacuum cleaner fear. What they don't seem to have is a hatred of dogs. My neighbor has a little dog and when he takes it out for a walk they stand at the screen door and stare at it. They have no idea what a dog is!

Anyway I thought this was cute. If you have cats you can decide which parts of its brain are most active!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Cute. I am not really a cat person. I dislike the cats next door because they are feral. And they watch my birds.

But I like cats that are owned by people. We had the best cat ever when Laurie was little..Kitty Cat...he never used the litter box. He sat by the door waiting to go outside, did his business and came back in. He chased stray dogs out of the yard and he was best friends with our Border Collie, Porky.

Thanks for bringing back a fond memory.

robin michelle said...

I wish my cats could go outside instead of having to use a litter box! I'm glad it brought back a good memory for you. Somewhere I saw one of these about dogs. If I come across it I'll share it!