Thursday, September 23, 2010

Becoming a book

Here's an interesting question I found on The Awe-manac blog: If you were a book, what kind of book would you be?

My first thought was that I'd be a mystery. I love mysteries and read a lot of them but I don't think I'd be a very good mystery. In the end you have to give up the clues and let the reader in on the secret and I hate giving away secrets!

I considered being an encyclopedia. Not that I know a lot but I like sharing information. Then I gave that one up because it seemed kind of boring and I figured I'd have to work hard to keep updating the information.

I could be a bead or some kind of craft book. I like that idea because people would refer to me and make cool stuff and point out pictures in me. I'd get a lot of use, which would be nice, but I'm afraid I'd have needles, beads, maybe glue or something dropped on my pages. I didn't care for that thought.

Finally, it dawned on me! I'd be a fantasy book like Lord of the Rings. Something long, adventurous, meandering at times but always having new places to explore, learning new things and meeting strange creatures. Yep, that's the one I'm going with.

So. . . what kind of book would you be?


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I think I would be a book of short stories. Each story would be a parable.

Wow, you are up early today!!

robin michelle said...

Oh I like that! I think you'd tell great parables!

Cats woke me up & I couldn't go back to sleep. Then I finally fall asleep and get up later than I planned in the morning. Oh well.

Peruby said...

Ha, ha! I'd be a biography. Or an autobiography, maybe? Then again, maybe a self-help book or a text book.

robin michelle said...

Being a textbook would be great! I'd like self-help but I think people would get frustrated with you if it didn't work for them!