Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poetry Day

Seated Figure

It was as though you were a man in a wheelchair,
your legs cut off at the knee.
But I wanted you to walk.
I wanted us to walk like lovers,
arm in arm in the summer evening,
and believed so powerfully in that projection
that I had to speak, I had to press you to stand.
Why did you let me speak?
I took your silence as I took the anguish in your face,
as part of the efforts to move ---
It seemed I stood forever, holding out my hand.
And all that time, you could no more heal yourself
than I could accept what I saw.

Louise Gluck


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Your poem selections always surprise me. I wonder were your find them.

I like this one.

Isn't it was is partly wrong with the world today? Always we want someone to be what they aren't and think we can change them.

Robbie said...

Heavy..but a good heavy! Thanks for posting this!

robin michelle said...

Carol - I read a lot of poetry and save the ones I like. I particularly like Louise Gluck. Definitely one of my problems, wanting someone to be what they aren't. I just wish I could give up on trying to change them!

Robbie - I agree, a good heavy. Glad you liked it!