Thursday, September 9, 2010


I almost forgot to post today! My mind was kind of blank so I checked the NaBloPoMo site for today's writing prompt. This was it: What's the best thing that could happen to you right now, and if it did, what's the first song you'd turn up loud and start dancing to? It wasn't a helpful prompt because I couldn't think of something that would be the best thing to happen to me. The only song that came to mind was What's It Gonna Be by Neil Diamond.

So much for the prompt.

Anyway, I'm very tired tonight so I'll share a picture and a thought. The theme for September is Art, how it inspires you and how you bring it into your life. This is the definition of Art I found on Wikipedia: Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects the senses, emotions, and/or intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture and paintings.

Based on that I decided that my flowers could qualify as Art. Well at least art with a small a. I love flowers and I buy them fairly often so that most of the time I have flowers in my home. I don't know that they are a symbolic element but I deliberately put them in a vase and they affect my senses and emotions. I'm always much happier when I have flowers. It makes me smile to look at them. I stopped at the grocery store after work and bought these so I'll share them in the hope that they make other people smile also!


Peruby said...

They are beautiful! I love the arrangement. My cats eat my flowers. I usually have to put them up high and then I don't enjoy them.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I think they are art..both the picture and reality.

They are a beautiful color, so delicately tinted and they are artfully arranged. A skill that is lost to me.

They do effect the senses both seeing the picture, and I suspect the scent in your home.

Great picture. I hear Rachmaninov.

robin michelle said...

Peruby: I'm always worried my cats will eat the flowers but they seem to have no interest in them. That's too bad that yours do - it is difficult to enjoy looking at them if you have to keep them away from the cats!

Carol: I was looking at different bunches and picked this one because of the color! And they do smell - not really strong but enough to make me happy. It seems like the ones in they sell in the store only smell strong if they're expensive!