Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Slow day

I've been trying to think of something to post today but it's kind of a slow, boring day. I finally got my hair cut this morning which feels nice! I've been putting it off for the last three months. Also went to a new library near the beauty college where I got my haircut. This was the Valley-Hi North Laguna branch. It's nice inside and I found a great book, The Library An Illustrated History.The last picture is of flowers in someone's front yard. I saw them when I was driving to the library and they looked so pretty I went back and took a picture.


Peruby said...

I always wait too long to get my haircut. I don't know if it is spending the money or procrastinating. Probably a little of both.

Beautiful flowers.

robin michelle said...

Actually those are the two reasons I wait!