Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pictures (again!)

These are just a few pictures from my walk today. I don't know what the pink flowers in the top picture are. I was driving home yesterday and saw them so I walked down there today so I could get a picture. I think they're really pretty. I worry sometimes because I walk around and take pictures and some of them (obviously) are of other people's yards. I don't want them to think I'm being nosy or intrusive. I only focus on the flowers so I guess it's ok. If it were me I wouldn't care if someone was taking pictures of my flowers so I hope other people don't.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

you certainly have a nice area to walk in. From the pics you have posted, your town looks VERY clean.

robin michelle said...

I do have a pretty neighborhood and you're right, it is clean. I hadn't thought about that until you said it!