Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kind of a different story . . .

I've been feeling pretty stressed and kind of sad lately. I woke up today with this feeling of "why am I living in this strange city all by myself?"  So I decided to do the one thing guaranteed to cheer me up: go to the library (you had to see that coming if you've been reading this blog for any length of time!). Feeling that drastic measures were called for I figured I'd better go all out and head over to the Central branch. As usual, it worked and by the time I left I was feeling much better.

On my way home I drove past the State Capital Park and noticed all the roses blooming in the garden. On an impulse I stopped and spent about an hour walking around the park and admiring the roses. Yellow roses always make me think of my Mom because yellow was her favorite color and she liked yellow roses. While I was looking at the one in the picture, I happened to glance down and see the sign. This rose is called Gift of Life and was introduced in 1999. My Mom died in 1999 and, silly as it may sound, this just felt like some kind of sign to me. I sat down on the bench next to the rosebush and cried. My mother was not a demonstrative person but when I'd get upset sometimes she'd hold my hand. While I was sitting there crying I felt like she was with me holding my hand. And I felt like everything was really going to be ok and that she was telling me I hadn't made bad choices. (Shoot I'm crying again now!)

So I don't know . . . going to the library was pretty much an impulse. Driving home past the park was because the light changed so I turned onto that street. Stopping was an impulse and this rose was the first one whose sign I noticed. I guess they were all random chances but they combined to make me feel a lot better today!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Good Morning!!

I am not sure if you have read my past posts on my blog during the past year. If you have, then you know that I am a very spiritual person that believes in manifestation and spiritual contacts. I believe your mother drew you to that park and found a way to comfort you.

I don't know what choices you are concerned about, but be sure that your mother is near and surely telling you to trust your heart.
Warm regards, Carol

Peruby said...

Also know that your blogger friends are reaching out to touch you (hold your hand, pat you lightly on the shoulder) during these times, too. We have all been there, will be there or are currently feeling the same things. Take a big, deep breath and know this peace.

Andrea said...

Everything happens for a reason. When you follow your instincts, you can't go wrong. :)

robin michelle said...

Carol: Thank you so much. I envy people like you who have that certainty that I don't. I'm going to borrow your certainty though and accept this as a gift.

Peruby: I appreciate that so much. It's easy to forget everyone goes through this and to feel alone. Thank you for reminder.

Andrea: I think I have to learn to trust that things are going right even if the path seems a bit crooked for awhile.

Thanks so much to all of you for the comments. It really made me feel good to read them this morning.