Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More to Love

I'm not built like Barbie or Twiggy or even close. (Does that Twiggy reference date me?) I've been overweight most of my adult life and while I've tried to blame it on having a baby it's become a little difficult since the "baby" is 33. Oh well. I've lost weight over the last couple of years and I'm working to lose more but I'm never going to look like Barbie (which is probably just as well). I don't think that means I should feel bad about myself or let other people make me feel bad. That can be awfully difficult though. Sometimes in my journeying around the web I find sites that really make me feel good and I'd like to share one of those.

Elizabeth Patch's More to Love is a terrific site. Elizabeth Patch does drawings of women who are large and voluptuous. She depicts women doing all kinds of activities, looking happy and sexy. They are bright, positive images and her blog posts are full of good advice on having a positive attitude and accepting yourself no matter what size you are.

In her about me section she says this: I believe in health and happiness at all sizes. I believe that we should love, respect and admire all the amazing sizes, shapes, colors and ages that women come in. And I believe that women should be measured by the lives we lead, not by the size we wear!

I agree. Check out the site, it's interesting and a lot of fun to look at!


Robbie said...

You are right! Elizabeth's blog is great!! We place tooooo much empahasis on looks...bothers me that my 10 year old grand daughter is already aware of this!

robin michelle said...

I'm glad you liked her blog, I thought it was great! There's just too much in our culture that focuses on looks. I think that's why even 10-year-olds are affected. Unfortunately I don't think it will change.