Friday, May 23, 2008

Chihuly Exhibit

This looks like a really cool exhibit. It is an exhibit of the artwork of Dale Chihuly. If you look at his website (click on name) you can see a lot of the smaller glass items he has created. There are also pictures there of the exhibit that will be at the de Young Museum beginning June 14th. There will be 11 galleries showing his work. The Legion of Honor also has some sculptures outside.

This is from the press release: A pioneer of the studio glass movement, Chihuly has transformed the form and function of glass, making the Pacific Northwest a vital region in the contemporary art scene. Chihuly has also contributed to the evolution of public art, creating memorable installations for both architectural and natural settings.

The huge glass sculptures are really amazing - the Saffron Tower is a 30 ft neon glass sculpture. Pretty cool, isn't it!

On a different, but somewhat related note, I have a question that maybe some knowledgeable reader can answer. Many years ago at a museum in Sacramento (I know, it would probably help if I could remember which one), I saw an exhibit made of glass blocks that was like a little building you could walk inside. All I remember was that it was built of thick glass blocks & you could walk inside it, it was mainly clear but there was color in some of the blocks. Not much of a description & considering my advanced age, I could be remembering completely wrong. Anyway, it was really neat & I'd love to know what it was. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!

Robin, the lonely blog mistress


jet said...

When was this? The only museums in Sacramento I can think of is the State Railroad Museum and the State Indian Museum. Was I with you? Chihuly is very exciting, but glass always makes me a bit nervous about breaking it.

Anonymous said...

I think it might have been in the State Capitol Museum. Well I'm getting closer.