Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An update

This is kind of a catch-up post. I haven't been posting much for the last month for a couple of reasons but I'm going to try and post more often! Actually I shouldn't just say reasons. I've shared a lot of stuff on this blog and it's kind of dumb to stop. So my reasons include:

In February a friend died unexpectedly and it's been a really hard thing for me to deal with. He was someone I was very close to and I miss him a lot. He lived in Texas but we usually talked on the phone at least every other day. I still find myself thinking that I should call him. It's hard to remember sometimes that he's gone but it's also hard not to remember. I think that makes sense.

Another reason is that I've felt horribly miserable with a toothache and I'm afraid of dentists so I kept putting off going. I finally went Saturday and got it taken care of and I feel like a new person! The funny (well I guess it's funny) thing is that it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was afraid it would be. I suppose I should learn a lesson from that but I'm not holding my breath.

One Small Change - I'm doing very well! I did have a diet coke one day last week. I felt like I was having a craving for it and ended up walking down to the store near me and buying one. Unfortunately it tasted pretty good but I'm not giving in again. I consoled myself with the thought that at least I walked to the store and didn't drive!

So that's about it. Stay tuned tomorrow for my Ada Lovelace Day post. Check out the link, if you haven't joined there's still time!


Peruby said...

I am sorry about the death of your friend. But, I am happy you are feeling better.

Memories grip us from out of the blue sometimes and remind us of how short and precious life is.

robin michelle said...

Thanks so much Peruby.

jet said...

As regards your diet coke addiction - have you tried substituting another beverage yet? Whole Foods or another similar store might carry some more wholesome soda equivalents.

robin michelle said...

Addiction is a strong word dear! That's a good idea & I've been having vitamin water sometimes but the problem is I don't want the calories. They do have 10-calorie vitamin water. I don't like it as much but I may get some of that.