Friday, March 12, 2010

Pictures from my walk

I walked today and brought my iphone with me so I could take pictures. Yesterday I saw so many pretty flowers blooming but didn't have my phone with me. I wanted to listen to music today while I walked and was trying to decide whether to bring my shuffle or phone to take pictures. It took a few minutes for it to dawn on me that my iphone has an ipod on it. Sometimes I worry about myself.

This is in the alleyway where I park my car. I thought the daffodils looked pretty blooming inside the kind of icky fence.

A pretty tree. I like the pink flowers!

I thought this looked pretty cool!

This is a bush on my corner. The flowers are a peach color and really pretty.

The picture you get when you're trying to use the ipod & camera on your phone at the same time.

A little patch of pretty flowers.

I don't know what this bush is but it's very pretty. I see a bunch of them in my neighborhood. I especially liked this one because it has white flowers planted inside it.

Another pretty plant. The leaves are really nice but if you enlarge it you can see yellow flowers. I don't know what this one is either. I think there is a plant id app that you can get for the iphone. I guess I should look for it!

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