Thursday, March 11, 2010

This is a very good thing

When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound, and more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you have mastered your life. ~John DeMartini

I was updating quotes on my Facebook page and added this one that I found awhile ago. I liked the quote, which is why I saved it, but I hadn't thought a lot about it. I did tonight and realized something pretty astonishing. For my entire life the opinion of someone else has always been more important to me than my own. What I thought other people wanted from me and expected me to be mattered more than what I wanted. In the last year and especially in the last few months that's been changing. I wouldn't say I'm there yet but I can see that I'm getting to that point. My first inclination is still to turn to someone else for validation but it's changing.

A year ago I would have said I'd never be at a point where I could trust and believe in myself. I believe now that I will eventually. I know it isn't going to be easy - it hasn't been so far! The past year has been very hard for me and in many ways I'm not the same person I was a year ago. And that's good but I'm crying now because it feels, in some way, like a betrayal. I know it isn't, I know it's good but it sure is hard. As I think about it the person I feel like I'm betraying would say it isn't, that trusting myself and listening to myself is the best thing I could do. In many ways that I'm able to feel this way now is in part thanks to him. And realizing that helps me let loose of a little more anger and I feel lighter and happier.

Well this got a bit more personal than I intended but I guess I'll go ahead and post it anyway. While I was writing it I got the following email from the Universe that seemed to fit pretty well!

It's working, Robin! Every day you're getting closer! Everything you've ever wanted is being pressed toward you. Everything is clicking. Don't let the illusions trick you. Don't let the events of today dampen your spirits. Things couldn't be any better than they now are. You couldn't have more reasons to celebrate. Now! Do it! The hardest work is done! Just show up, be present, open every door and let events unfold. Life is your stage. This is your parade. Together we can do anything.
I love it when you're hot,
The Universe


Peruby said...

Sounds like you reached a pinnacle in your life and perhaps the crying was more a celebratory release than a betrayal.

Andrea said...

Little by little, we're getting there! :)

robin michelle said...

Peruby - maybe it was a release. I know I felt better afterwards. . .

Andrea - it feels good, scary but good!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

The Universe is always speaking to us, unfortunately, we don't always hear.

robin michelle said...

It's hard to listen sometimes. The Universe seems to expect a lot!