Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Plans & March Updates!

I'd like to start this post by pointing out that I am not crazy. I have the professional opinion of two psychologists on that. Admittedly both balked when I asked them to put it in writing. . .

That said, here is my plan for April! I joined napowrimo and committed to writing a poem every day in celebration of National Poetry Month. I also joined nablopomo (don't you love these names!) and committed to doing a daily blog post for April. Seriously, they said I wasn't crazy. Really. Anyway be sure and come back in April and read my daily posts & I'll update you on poem status. Or I'll give up and hide my head in the pillow and cry.

March One Small Change: My change for March was to quit drinking diet coke. I did pretty good. I did have a coke a couple of times but I just bought an individual bottle, not a six-pack and I'm still committed to not drinking it any more! It was kind of difficult because I really like the taste and I think I was having diet coke cravings. Anyway I'm proud of myself for doing this and mostly sticking with it!

April One Small Change: I have one small bad habit. I tend to use more water than necessary. When I do dishes I let the water run when I could turn it off, same thing for brushing my teeth and washing up. So for April I'm going to use less water. I feel like this will be easy but I suspect it's going to be hard to remember. I think I'll make a sign to remind myself!

March Libraries & Reading: I went to the library four times. One visit was to a new branch, North Natomas. I read nine books in March.

U is for Undertow - Sue Grafton Latest alphabet mystery series
Call the Dead Again - Ann Granger British country mystery
Nothing Was The Same - Kay Redfield Jamison Jamison's account of her husband's death & the differences between grief and depression
Borderline - Nevada Barr Latest in mystery series
The Places that Scare You - Pema Chodron Accepting what happens, ways to deal with life and not become angry and bitter
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien Ok if you don't know what this is about there is no hope for you! I've read this, I don't know, maybe 20 times and I never get tired of it.
When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron More on dealing with life . . .
Sometimes in the Open: Poems from California's Poets Laureate - edited by Bob Stanley Poems (bet you wouldn't have figured that one out)
Socialnomics - Erik Qualman Using social media in business


Andrea said...

I did a daily blog challenge back in November. Wasn't easy but I did it. Good luck!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Andrea! I'm already getting nervous and wondering what I'm going to write about!