Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I meant to post this last night but had such an exciting New Year's Eve that I didn't get to it for 24 hours. Actually what happened was that I was so tired last night I went to sleep before midnight. I think that is one of the signs of old age, being unable to stay awake on New Year's Eve.

Hopefully you all have an extensive list of New Year's resolutions that you've already begun work on (& that it includes posting to this blog!). Personally I've given up making them. Mine rarely lasted past the first day so it seems kind of pointless to make them.

I am however, resolved to keep this blog going! While I've been a bit dilatory in my posting I'll continue tomorrow with more tales from our trip. I should point out that there were 2 other people on this trip & I haven't seen a post from them. In their defense they've both been sick so I guess they are excused temporarily.

I hope everyone has a great 2008!!


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