Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rules of Thumb

Rules of Thumb is a fun website that is devoted to gathering every rule of thumb on earth into a searchable database. According to the website, a rule of thumb is a homemade recipe for making a guess. It is an easy-to-remember guide that falls somewhere between a mathematical formula and a shot in the dark. You can contribute rules to the site & rate those that are already there. So if you have nothing better to do today, check it out! Here are a few rules from the site:

  • The amount of time within which a cat will develop a dislike for a particular flavor is inversely proportional to the number of cans of that flavor remaining on the shelf.
  • Red is the color most likely to attract attention. This includes the attention of the police if you drive a red car.
  • If someone says, "It's not the money, it's the principle," it's the money.
  • Expect a storm when your cows become agitated, start to bawl, and head for the barn.

By the way, try saying rule of thumb - sounds funny doesn't it?


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