Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Driver

Just a notice for any of you coming out to Stockton, we now have a new driver.
Elizabeth took her driving test today and did very well. She is now a licensed driver.
Not much else going on, we live a wonderfully boring life.


Anonymous said...

Actually there is a bit more to this story. Like the part where I (Robin), cowered in the passenger seat as Elizabeth drove to the DMV for her test. Ok, cowered might be a bit of an exaggeration. She did very well on her test & I'm impressed with what a good driver she is. As I'm rapidly aging & may need a driver in the near future, I'll be holding onto her phone number.

CMTM said...

I think the most surprising fact of her being a good driver is that I taught her. Since everyone considers me to be a bad driver....

stexeira said...

I can't imagine there is any comment that I can make that would not get me into a whole lot of trouble. Congratulations to all three of you.