Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Don't know how to vote?

In case anyone is having trouble deciding who to vote for, I thought I'd share some information that may help. I found this first quiz on a blog: Presidential Candidate Matching. I took the test and found out that I should vote for Dennis Kucinich. I really didn't know much about him, ok I knew nothing, so I Googled him which led me to a second quiz: Pick Your Candidate. I took that quiz and got the same result. He isn't one of the big three but I guess I should look him up since we clearly agree on many things.

I find this quiz idea very interesting. It seems a much easier way to decide who to vote for than having to listen to all those debates and check websites and read all that political stuff. I'm thinking we should use quizzes for other important decisions. It would cut way down on the amount of thinking one has to do. I know that would be a plus for me because I have a lot more important things to do. For example, writing blog posts because NO ONE else has been posting!


1 comment:

stexeira said...

I do think that's great news about Dennis Kucinich. You might find that difficult, as tomorrow he will be announcing formally that he is dropping out of the race. But I do like the idea of using quizzes to help us determine lots of other things: who to live with, what job to have, where to shop, what clothes to wear, what movies to watch, what kinds of friends to have, cat or dog, etc. Maybe you should begin to compile websites that quiz you and give you insight into your psyche thereby -- your next project.

As for posting more frequently on this site, I'm so busy commenting on so many sites that I never have time to post original thoughts. I'll work on it though. My business partner is on vacation next week so I should have a lot more free time.