Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This is interesting - called PostSecret, it is a project started in 2004 by Frank Warren. People send him their secrets on a postcard and so far there have been four books of the postcards published. It is kind of a funny idea at first but when you think about it, it is actually a pretty astounding thing. We all keep secrets for many reasons. And I wonder a lot lately why we do it. I guess there are a lot of reasons to keep a secret: shame and fear being the two main ones that come to mind. The funny thing is that usually the secret isn't as big a deal as you think. I think we all tend to believe that our secret is different - it is bigger and worse than all the rest. Mostly I think they are funny or sad. I'm kind of meandering here - I was just quite taken with the idea of this project.

I like the title - PostSecret. I'm not sure what Frank Warren had in mind when he called it that but I really like it. Often telling your secret, whether you do so on an anonymous postcard, in therapy or just blurt it out to a total stranger, can be very freeing. Life PostSecret can be different. Maintaining a secret can be a lot of work, I speak from experience.

The thing that struck me in writing this is that we build so many walls to keep other people out and keeping a secret is just another way of doing that. Yet we all, I think, want to be close to other people, to feel like we're understood and understand someone else. I don't know - people are strange. I've given away quite a few secrets in the last 10 months and mostly I guess, maybe, it is a good thing. I'm down to, I don't know 10-15 that I'm determined to hold onto though!

Here are a few secrets from the PostSecret project:
  1. Everyone thinks I drink coffee. It's really grape kool-aid.
  2. I've always wanted to rob a bank.
  3. As a kid I believed I was destined for greatness. I still do.
  4. I rescheduled a business conference so I wouldn't miss my dogs birthday.
  5. I like to pretend I don't know things that I really know.
  6. I like to watch Dr. Phil while drunk.
  7. I am more worried about aging than I am about dying.
  8. All I ever wanted was to feel as though I'm enough.
  9. Sometimes I think other people are reading my thoughts.
  10. I'm afraid I'm only comfortable when I'm alone.
  11. I dance in vacant elevators.
  12. Everyone who knew me before 9/11 believes I am dead.
  13. I want my last year back.
  14. Sometimes I keep one eye open after I've gone to sleep in case my stuffed animals come to life.
  15. I am still struggling with what I've become.
  16. I give decaf to customers who are rude to me.
  17. I want to be an outlaw biker.
  18. I hate working as a janitor for arrogant rich people so I clean their keyboard with a toilet bowl brush.
  19. Everyday is a compromise.
  20. I am a firefighter. I am afraid the day might come when I'm not as brave as I am supposed to be.
Just for fun: None of the secrets above are mine in the sense that I sent them to PostSecret. However I share five of them with the contributors. Any guesses? How about you, do you share any?

So what's your secret? Say it out loud. Tell somebody. Send a postcard. Better yet, post it as a comment - you can do it anonymously! Or you can tell me. I love secrets. You might be surprised at how much better you feel. Then again, you might not (be surprised or feel better!).


jet said...

My secret - Everytime I sabotage something at work to fall on the next person that comes along I forget and I'm the next person who comes along.

Anonymous said...

That is an um, um, interesting? secret. A very Jill one though, mostly the forgetting part.