Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday's Post?

Okay, I'm a bit late. But you see, I spent all of last night watching the Democratic Convention. Did you see it? Did you? Whether you are a supporter of Barack Obama or not, whether you consider yourself a liberal or not, whether you care about politics or not, the Democratic Convention of 2008 is a seminal event that has changed the world in which you live forever. As you know, unless you have been living in a cave for the past two years, for the first time in the history of our nation, a black man will be the nominee of one of the two major parties and will be running for president. More than that, and more important than that, is that Barack Obama is a candidate that likes of which we have not seen since Bobbie and John. He is a candidate who inspires hope for our future and for our children. He is a candidate who understands that we can no longer maintain a "business as usual" attitude about this country. He is a candidate who knows that our country is at a tipping point and plans to do something to make sure it tips the right way. 

If you did not see the convention, I urge you to view some of the speeches (particularly the speeches of Michelle Obama,  Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg and Sen. Ted Kennedy) online. You can find them at CNN and probably at YouTube as well. Okay, that's all from me for now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm sorry to say that I didn't watch any of it. It really is pretty amazing to think he's going to be our next President. (I borrowed your crystal ball.) Let's hope he can live up to all the hype and really make some changes - I'm a bit cynical about politicians (except Gavin of course)!