Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sometimes . . .

I read a lot of poetry. Some I just like, some I love, some makes me think and some makes me squirm. And sometimes one slaps me in the face and says wake up and pay attention. This one did that.

 by Natasha Head

I have seen a life laid to waste,
in the name of pure stubbornness,
in the absolute definition of denial.

I see my own life.
Caught up on the same rails,
charging full steam ahead,
to a tunnel where no light shines.

The gates of experience fly by.
Still frames of adventures
I have excused myself from
for reasons, for selfishness.

Vanity . . . shame.
The double yellow line,
solid and illuminated,
laughs as I attempt to find the nerve.

To dare cross.

Throwing up walls of resistance
as the hourglass bleeds
grains of sand I can't afford.

I have seen a lifetime
laid to waste,
and in its shadow,
I have seen my own.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

In what regard? Personal relationships? Career? Sometimes you have what you want and don't know it. Sometimes you just don't know how to formulate and focus on a path to what you want. Well, maybe you got the wake up call but what will you do with it..that is always the question.
xx, Carol

robin michelle said...

I've spent my whole life not doing things or doing them but feeling that I messed up. And I blamed everything on being overweight. The poem made me realize I used weight as an excuse.

What am I going to do with the wake-up call? I don't know. Part of me keeps saying I'm too old to bother trying to change anything. I suppose that is just another excuse though!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

You are never too old to be healthier. I found that when I stopped trying to "diet" and started thinking about being healthier by eating healthier I am able to control my weight. I've had some health scares this last year so I am more conscious of better eating habits. Maybe you need a new focus.
xx, Carol