Monday, August 20, 2012

My Visitor!

I was sitting here thinking that I wanted to do a blog post today but I didn't have much to say. Fortunately I had a small visitor who provided me with a post!

I was sitting at the computer with my back to the patio when I heard a clicking noise. At first I assumed it was someone on the sidewalk. My patio faces the sidewalk and with the door open I hear a lot of noise and conversations from passing pedestrians. The clicking didn't stop though so I finally got up to see what it was. There was a bird on the tree outside my patio tapping at the tree! I'm going to say maybe it was a woodpecker because I don't know much about birds but they tap on trees right? Anyway I got a few pictures, they aren't terrific but maybe someone can identify my visitor. She (or he) made a nice break for me. I love that I can sit here, facing a city street and see birds in my tree. It isn't really my tree but it's right outside my patio so I figure I can claim it!

Here's a pretty good close-up.

This one you have to look a little harder. The bird is mostly brown and blends in with tree. He had a sort of reddish head which you can kind of see in this picture. 

Another close-up!

This one gives you a better idea of where the tree is. You can see the bird pretty well still!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Some of my most joyful moments are spent watching birds. I have a field book of birds native to my area and am always thrilled to see a new one that I haven 't seen before. This is certainly a woodpecker native to your area. Most of ours are black and white, some with red on their heads. Great pictures!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Carol! I'm glad to know my guess was correct. I got a bird book once from the library but was having a hard time identifying any of them and I gave up. Maybe I'll try again. It's fun to watch them!