Saturday, August 18, 2012

My patio garden

Saturday is one of my days off from the computer. I've found that I need a couple of days a week when I don't turn the computer on. Otherwise I'm too easily distracted from things I need to do off-line!

However in case you do have your computer on today, here's some pictures from my garden. It's a small garden but it's been looking quite nice this summer. And of course the cats have enjoyed it!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

You always show the most unique flowers that I have never seen here in the Midwest. Your garden is unusual and I bet you ARE enjoying it.
xx, Carol

Coupon Trunk said...

What is that yellow flower? I've never seen anything quite like it!

robin michelle said...

Isn't it pretty! It's a Columbine - Yellow Queen.