Monday, December 20, 2010


Wow three posts in one day. I think it's a record! I went outside to see if I could see the lunar eclipse. I was afraid it'd be cloudy but right outside my door I had a perfect view of the moon as it was entering this phase:
The most noticeable part of this eclipse will come when the moon begins to enter the Earth's dark inner shadow (called the umbra). A small scallop of darkness will begin to appear on the moon's left edge at 6:33 UT (on Dec. 21) corresponding to 1:33 a.m. EST or 10:33 p.m. PST (on Dec. 20).

I took the picture below from my patio and you can see the little bite out of the corner of the moon. Pretty cool! I wanted to try and take more pictures but unfortunately my batteries ran out and I don't have any more. I'm going to wait a little bit and then go out again and just look for awhile. It's cold outside though!

11:40 pm update: It's cloudy now & I can't see anything. Oh well, I guess I'll go to bed.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'm always excited to see a lunar eclipse. I vividly remember watching the last one. Last night was cloudy and snowing so I missed it. Thanks for sharing your view.
Merry Christmas.

robin michelle said...

Oh I'm sorry you missed it! But at least you got to see my picture! Merry Christmas!