Thursday, April 17, 2008

100th Post!

This is it folks. The 100th post for the Texeira Life blog. I wanted to post 100 things about people in our family but only managed to get 77. However, they are 77 fascinating, interesting facts and I really appreciate everyone sending me stuff! Before you read the 77 exciting things about family members, let me say a couple of things. First, don't ask who did what. If you can't figure it out, you're stuck not knowing. Note number 27 - that's me, trust me it's true.

The other thing is that I've been doing this blog (with sporadic help which I do appreciate!) since November of last year. A 100th post seems like a good point to evaluate why I'm doing it & whether to continue. I love blogging and I really enjoy contributing to this blog but that is what I want to be - a contributor. Which means I really need other people to contribute!! My idea when I started this was that everyone related to me, or related to anyone related to me, or friends with anyone related to me, or complete strangers, would post interesting, fascinating things about their lives and we could all make comments. I really didn't want to start a Robin blog. Let me have some feedback, ideally via post or comment, but email is ok also. Do you want to continue doing this? Do you want to contribute on a regular basis?

Without further ado here you go, 77 things about various people in the Texeira family!

1. Sometimes I feel like drinking candles because they smell so good.
2. I’ve visited all 21 California Missions.
3. I’m a snob when it comes to literature.
4. I’m a Blazer scout.
5. I’ve painted yachts and fixed cars.
6. I’m obsessive about cutting my fingernails — though I don’t save them like the crazy rich guy did.
7. I call my cats silly, lovey names.
8. I hate going to the doctor...or the dentist...or the eye doctor...or the haircutter.
9. I’ve been on a battleship.
10. I like farm animals.
11. I routinely think about ways to murder people.
12. I like my dog Einstein.
13. I’m mad because I had to pay $24 in taxes.
14. Sometimes I stay up late at night doing math problems in my head.
15. I love the ocean.
16. Once I gave a speech in front of 200+ people. I was so scared my toes were shaking.
17. I can’t remember many details from my childhood; I usually can’t remember what I had for breakfast on any given day. Remembering things is not my strong point.
18. I grow plants.
19. I like diving into our pool.
20. I once broke a guy’s arm when he and a friend tried to mug me.
21. I love fall in Vermont.
22. Sometimes I think I might start leafing out.
23. I don't ever tell anyone anything about myself.
24. I am often astonished that I gave birth to such an amazing person.
25. I take a train to work every day.
26. I was in a submarine when I was young.
27. I’m really good at keeping secrets.
28. I once walked up 16 flights of stairs because I was afraid to use the elevator.
29. I like my cat princess.
30. I like reading about parasitical diseases from central Africa.
31. I like riding my bike.
32. With only a handful of exceptions, I have eaten the same thing for breakfast every day for the past five years.
33. Two of my children went to the dentist yesterday and had no cavities.
34. I like Webkins.
35. Sometimes when I’m working I’ll also be watching the news and reading a book or magazine article.
36. I like to read mysteries.
37. I like Miss Kitty & Peaches best.
38. I love the ocean.
39. I hitchhiked to San Francisco once.
40. I completed the world’s hardest Sudoku puzzle in less than 12 minutes.
41. I took a journalism class in high school.
42. I don’t really like puzzles, I just have a compulsion to do them.
43. I picked the lock on a filing cabinet once.
44. I like windsurfing, motorcycles and mountain climbing.
45. I love my husband.
46. Generally when people tell me things I completely forget what they’ve said within a few minutes.
47. I rarely forget what people say although I often pretend that I have.
48. I procrastinate.
49. I enjoy dessert but believe it should be saved for after dinner.
50. I’ve been living under an assumed name since I was 12 years old.
51. I wanted to grow up and marry Superman.
52. I’d say that about a fifth of the time when people say things to me I’m just guessing at what they are saying, because I wasn’t paying attention.
53. I like to write poetry.
54. By the end of this year I will have visited 17 different countries.
55. I lived in Ishpeming, Michigan when I was a small child. (An adorably cute small child.)
56. I speak Latin (latinum possum loquare).
57. I have seen a picture of me as a child with a Pebbles doll, I don’t know who it belonged to.
58. I like to bake.
59. I always wanted to be a secret agent.
60. I sent someone to the store to buy pumpernickel for bread.
61. People say that I’m a very nice person.
62. I once had 14 cats.
63. I like to swim.
64. My husband thinks I’m crazy because I like Webkins.
65. I truly believe that my cats understand what I say to them.
66. I love olives and dark chocolate.
67. I lived in South America.
68. I love blogging.
69. I’m the cafĂ© lead at work (like an assistant manager!).
70. In Mexico my name conjures up images of a popular TV show character.
71. I think it would be really cool if humans had prehensile tails.
72. I have an alternate identity as Morgan’s brother.
73. As a child I was swept down the Russian River and nearly drowned.
74. I like cats.
75. I have more than 25 pairs of Christmas earrings. That way I can wear a different pair every day in December.
76. I’m convinced that I am related to one of the smartest people in the world.
77. I'm glad that I didn't have an IRS audit.
78. I’m a prominent city council member in an obscure state.
79. I used to work in the former Pixar Studios building.
80. I bounced a check to the IRS.
81. I’ve ridden on a horse about 600 times.

82. I had a 4.0 gpa in college.
83. I wouldn’t let my aunt buy books with my discount.


stexeira said...

Wow! What an amazing collection of "things." I had no idea that there was such a diversity of experiences and a perversity of opinions in our little extended family. I am at the same time impressed, disturbed, frightened and hungry (that last one is not relevant to the blog). Thanks for posting this and for making this happen, I greatly enjoyed reading it. It makes me wish that I had contributed something.

And by the way, I do want this blog to continue and will be more consistent in my postings. Promise.

Anonymous said...

You'd be even more disturbed if you could match the numbers with a person! I look forward to your future posts!

Anonymous said...

Dear blog mistress:
A City Councilor from an obscure State???????
I will have you know that the handsome gentleman is from the most beautiful State in all fifty States. The town he represents is very large(31,000) so there!!!!!!!

If anyone can guess the obscure State they will receive a picture of the prominent Councilor.

We loved, and enjoyed reading all the good posts. We also, miss all of you.
Uncle and Aunt X

Anonymous said...

31,000! Wow and I thought Castro Valley was small w/only 60,000. Since I posted it I guess I can't guess the obscure state but this sounds like a winning contest. Get busy guessing folks. Glad you enjoy the posts & hopefully we'll see some posts from you guys soon!

Deni said...

Of course I can easily tell which ones are about Jill :D!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think everyone can figure Jill's out!