Friday, February 1, 2008

Clinton or Obama?

So this is what it has come down to if you're a Democrat. I was watching some election stuff tonight & looking at information on line and trying to decide. Honestly, I'm not seeing a lot of differences. Admittedly, I'm not very political, I don't pay a lot of attention & I'm sure there is quite a bit I've missed. It just seems like they are both saying pretty much the same thing. Sure there are minor differences but they don't seem substantive.

What do you base a decision on? Personality? I don't know either one of them. They are both politicians, both probably willing to say and do whatever it takes to be elected. Obama presents as more idealistic. We have the JFK comparison. Sounds good to me. I'm a bleeding heart, liberal, idealistic dreamer at heart. Obama appeals in that respect. This is a interesting editorial in the New York Times about Obama. Clinton certainly doesn't strike me as idealistic. I think she is a pretty tough woman with a major commitment to becoming President. Those, in my opinion, are positives.

Before I give you my decision, which I know you're all anxious to read, let me digress a little. The thing that bothers me about both of them is they are trying to be "firsts." Clinton, the first woman President, Obama, the first black President. While I'm in favor of both scenarios, I wonder if the rest of the country is. If not, that means the Republican candidate has a huge advantage. And that bothers me. Sorry if I offended any Republicans out there, but despite my fascination with Richard Nixon, I'm a Democrat (given a choice between the two major parties). Anyway the point of my digression is to ask you the first of a couple of questions: Do you think this country is ready to elect a woman or a black man as President? Kindly explain your reasoning.

Ok on to my decision. I've thought long & hard about this (well as long as I'm willing to think about politics). Clinton annoys me. I have no idea why, she just does. And I've said I wouldn't vote for her. But without seeing a clear difference that matters to me I have to recant my statement and say instead that I'll vote for Hillary Clinton. Know why? Because she is a woman. There you have it, my well thought out reasoning has come down to a, dare I say it, feminist response. She's a woman & I'd like to see a woman become President. Which leads me to my second & third questions: What do you think? Who would you choose? Feel free to say I'm crazy, ill-informed, etc.

Let's hear from some of you. I know there are people out there with strong opinions, far stronger than mine I'm sure. Many of you are much better informed about the issues than I am. Comment or ideally, do your own post!


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