Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 1934

Today is my Dad's birthday. As you can probably figure from the post title, he's 76 years old. This is one of my favorite pictures, I was 1-1/2  and he was 24. There are many people I like, many I admire and would like to emulate, a few I trust and a few I respect. The people that fall into all those categories can be counted on one hand and my father would be the first one.

He's a person who does and says what he believes to be right and it makes no difference if you're a stranger, friend, boss or relative. He doesn't tailor his words to what he believes you want to hear. For better or worse, not a trait I inherited from him!

He's also incredibly intelligent. I know a lot of people probably think their father is a genius, but I'm not alone in thinking mine is. When he was in the army they gave intelligence tests and he scored higher than anyone else ever had. I found this quote once and saved it because it reminded me of him: He was a genius - that is to say, a man who does superlatively and without obvious effort something that most people cannot do by the uttermost exertion of their abilities. ~Robertson Davies

He does, without obvious effort, what most of us can't even imagine. He was a computer analyst before he retired. I don't remember his exact title but he wrote programs and fixed them. He worked for IBM when they first developed the SAGE computer, a gigantic thing that was less efficient than an iphone is now probably! He literally has forgotten more than most people know about computers.

Aside from being intellectually amazing, I think he's an incredibly tough person. I don't mean in a tough-guy manner (although he grew up in Oakland & he and his brothers were probably the 1940's gang to avoid). He survived raising four children, the death of a grandchild, the death of his wife of 43 years, the death of a partner of 10 years and all the stuff that goes with just living. Yet he's still hanging in there and still going out and dealing with life. I think that's pretty amazing.

He isn't perfect and I guarantee you it isn't easy being his daughter sometimes. Logical and rational are probably in the top two words you'd use to describe him. I don't know that they are even in the top 100 for me! But I'm proud to be his daughter and I hope there are a lot more birthdays left! The song below always makes me cry. My life has indeed been "a poor attempt to imitate the man."  I haven't come close but I think it's an effort worth continuing.


Peruby said...

What a lovely post about your father. He does indeed sound like an intriguing and intelligent man. Don't count yourself out in getting some of those genes.

Dan Fogelberg was always one of my faves. He passed on too soon.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Robin.
It always makes me feel so good when someone remembers their parents in a loving way. You are so lucky to have pictures of him in his youth too!! My father passed long ago and I never got any picture of him when he was young. Hope you get to celebrate with him.

Peaches said...

Thanks so much for posting that Robin. I'm having the kids read it too. You should write up a bio about mom and dad both for us. Maybe us too. I can't (or won't) remember so much, you seem to know it all. I would so like to share more about mom and dad with them. Think about it! Thanks again though!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby & Carol.

Hi Peaches! You keep changing your name. That's a good idea. Actually the one who remembers a lot is Jill. I've tried to get her to tape record stuff but she's never done it. I think I need to sit down and type up what she remembers.

Peaches said...

Yeah I can't keep up with myself either. I hope you do type something up, that would be great.