Friday, December 26, 2008

My Word for 2009

In an earlier post I mentioned that I was working on choosing a word of the year for 2009. I promised to share mine when I figured it out. I had a long list of words but none of them felt right to me. I was reading a post on the Zen Habits blog about thriving on a simpler lifestyle and it came to me what word I wanted - Simplify.

I have this recurring (weekly, daily, hourly recurring) fantasy of packing a bag and flying to London to stay. When I think about what I'd put in the bag I'm always surprised at how easy it would be to leave things behind. Which makes me wonder why I have so much stuff!


To make simple or simpler, as:
a. To reduce in complexity or extent.
b. To reduce to fundamental parts.
c. To make easier to understand.

I like definition b best - to reduce to fundamental parts. My goal for 2009 is going to be to reduce my life to fundamentals - only those things which are necessary. I don't mean just stuff although that is part of it. I want to figure out what is really essential and keep only those things, emotions, etc that I can't do without. I read once that you should only keep what is useful or beautiful. I think that could apply to more than material things. I'm going to use that as a starting point. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this but it should be interesting!

So did anyone else choose a word? Please share if you did!

Robin, the lonely (but simplified) blog mistress

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