Thursday, October 12, 2017

Where's Wendy?

I took a couple of pictures of Halloween decorated houses today. This reminded me I need to get my tree out and put the Halloween ornaments on it. As usual, this also made me think about Wendy. Wendy the Windsock Ghost is (was) a ghost I made out of plastic canvas many years ago. She was about 8" high and had three sides stitched together to make a nice little ghost. She was stitched, since she's a ghost, with all white yarn. That was a LOT of white yarn and a lot of tedious stitching. I liked Wendy though and she was worth the work.

Sadly she disappeared one year and I haven't found her since. I don't know where good ghosts go but I hope that's where she went. I've thought about making another Wendy but it just doesn't seem right - she was one of a kind.

Anyway. . . that's my sad Halloween remembrance! This weekend I'll post some pictures of my tree. For now you can see the pictures I took today. They were both more impressive "in person."


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

O gosh, I hate it when I loose something like that. I haven't seen very many Halloween decorations out yet. There are a few things up in windows. Laurie came over and TOTALLY decorated Nic's room and he loves it. I have a lighted pumpkin in the window. I sure hope more neighbors get in the spooky spirit pretty soon.
xx, Carol

robin michelle said...

You know I haven't seen as many this year as I usually do. Maybe it is because I'm in a new neighborhood though. I'll have to drive around a little and see what I can find.

I imagine that would be exciting to have his whole room decorated!