Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bunches of random stuff

Another post of various bits of information I've found in my web travels!

Pew Internet report says that more people are going online for fun and to pass time, not to specifically look for something. Apparently this is mostly people under 30. I'm slightly over 30 but I go online all the time just for fun. It's amazing the stuff you can find. As this post will show!

One of my not-so-secret interests is UFOs. Seriously. Really and truly. Whether I believe in actual aliens from outer space visiting earth I'm not prepared to say but I find the subject fascinating. Here's an article from The Skeptical Inquirer about the Roswell Incident in 1947. I want to go to Roswell someday!

I cannot imagine why you'd only want an email address for 60 minutes (well I can but I'm going to pretend I can't), but if you do, check out Guerrilla Mail. No registration and you get an email for 60 minutes. If 60 minutes is too long for you, try 10 Minute Mail. Yep 10 minutes. Everything is disposable today.

If you have cats and want to get them a cat tree for Christmas look at these new ones from Whisker Studio. One looks like a cat (sort of) and the other like a tree. Both my cats want the cat one. Unfortunately they seem unwilling to get a job and help pay for it!

Some good advice from Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

If you like pictures, quotes and poetry, visit A la recherche du temps perdue. It's a very cool site! By the way, the title means In Search of Lost Time. I could let you all think I read French but I really used Google translate. I would like to learn French and Italian. I'm worried that my brain is too old though.

I found an interesting site called Quiet: The Power of Introverts. It's managed by Susan Cain who has written a book called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.I like the site and what she says. You've probably guessed that I'm an introvert. I've been told all my life that I'm too quiet, I should speak up more, be more outgoing, etc. You know what? I like me this way! Quiet is good, introverted is good, being alone is good. I don't dislike people (well a few maybe) but I'd almost always rather be alone. There are only a small handful of people I can tolerate being around for any length of time. I need to be alone, I need quiet. It's one of the things I love about my apartment complex - it's very quiet here. I rarely hear my neighbors and even the street noise is muted.

As I stated in my second paragraph, I do like going online just for fun. But always, always, always I'd prefer to read. I prefer reading to anything else. Here's a picture from The Tattered Cover Bookstore blog called Bathing in Books. Isn't that wonderful!

Ok, that's about it I think. Speaking of reading, my plan for today is to visit a huge used book sale sponsored by the Friends of the Sacramento Library. I'm looking for some mysteries, beading books, poetry, and just about anything else! I'm signed up to receive notifications from Book Sale Finder every week on book sales in my area. If you like book sales, you might want to register with this site.

After the book sale (if I have money left!), I'm going to look for a Christmas tree. I want to get one soon and decorate. The cats are looking forward to helping me!

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