Saturday, November 13, 2010

More than anyone wants to know about me

I borrowed these from another blog called Life of a Middle-Aged Student. She had the patience to answer 250 questions but I gave up at 20!
  1. What is the last thing you said out loud? Pippin, you're driving me crazy with that licking. (Pippin is my cat.)

  2. Does time really heal all wounds? No but I think it makes them easier to live with.

  3. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? Yeah. Sometimes I like to pretend that I don't know but 99% of the time I'm paying attention.

  4. Three causes you believe in more than any other causes? Keeping libraries open no matter how bad the economy, same-sex marriage, spaying/neutering animals.

  5. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? Elizabeth Tudor

  6. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it every day? Anne of the Thousand Days

  7. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? I've never saved anyone's life but I'd say that a couple of people have saved mine.

  8. What is your idea of paradise? Uh duh - a library!

  9. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? Um yeah - one or two deep dark ones.

  10. What song was on the last time you danced with someone? More by Harry Connick Jr. - although I should say I really don't know how to dance!

  11. Would you consider yourself to be romantic? Yeah . . . sigh.

  12. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. If you could be beamed anywhere on earth anytime you wanted where would that place be? Again, duh - London! (by the way the duh's are only for people who know me well or have been reading my blog for awhile - they should know the answer!)

  13. Is there anything really interesting in your family history? My great-grandfather may have killed his neighbor and left town in the middle of the night because of it. Which (leaving town) would be wise if you've killed someone.

  14. Of the following, which word best describes you: bold, charming, dependable. While I'd like to say bold or charming, to be honest I have to say dependable.

  15. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from? Well my mother had that "talk" with me. I thought it sounded gross and she was making it up.

  16. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love? You missed the answer to the romantic question? Living in the streets & subway tunnels of course!

  17. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help? Little Women

  18. Do you photograph well? Check out my pictures - no!

  19. Who is your favorite poet of those who are alive right now? Louise Gluck.

  20. Would you consider yourself to be naive? Well I consider myself to be worldly and sophisticated. People who know me quite well consider me to be somewhat naive. . . what do they know though. I'm sticking with worldly & sophisticated.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I hate these kinds of questions..take the one marry for money or be poor on the streets for love...Honestly...I choose to be single. Don't want to be miserable rich and come on, how long are you going to love someone if you are living in the subway? I choose single...I'll make it work.

robin michelle said...

No you gotta be romantic! You'll marry, live in the subway for a week and find a $1,000,000 lottery ticket lying on the floor! Yeah I know. . .