Friday, July 16, 2010

Back on course

I've been feeling lately that things really aren't working out the way I'd wanted. I've been sitting here going through my Google Reader and in the back of my mind was my usual little mantra: "you've messed up, nothing is going to change, you're old, it's hot, maybe you should go back to the bay area (where it's cooler!)."

Then I read a post from Christine Kane's blog, called Why Your GPS Gets You There: 7 Success Lessons From Navigation. And I think she's right. I just have to get back on the road, maybe change the routing a little and focus on the next step, not the huge impossible-seeming end result.

She says this: Sometimes when you turn the car off, you lose the destination. No worries. Just re-enter your destination – and your navigation will begin again. So it is with your goals and intentions. Sometimes our minds can’t remember why we got started in the first place. We get caught up in something else. Everything feels lost. We can’t find motivation. No worries. Just re-decide. Re-commit. Re-enter your destination and your navigation will begin again.

That's just how I've been feeling. Unmotivated, wandering, lost. So. . . . I'll re-enter my destination and keep moving forward. But just a note to the Universe: a little positive feedback, a few hugs, a smile or two, none of that would hurt!

1 comment:

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

What IS your desired destination? You seem like a pretty determined person to me. Pretty darn brave. Didn't your move prove that? You are where you always wanted to live. Even got a nicer apartment. Its probably NOT a case of the grass is greener. I am glad to encourage you all that I can. I enjoy your blog. A reply via email wouldn't hurt. I don't always get back to see if you posted a reply or comment back on your blog. I have some good blog friends and welcome a chance to be yours.

You have a great weekend. Adjust your course, gas up and get back on the road!!
