Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting nervous

I'm going to Sacramento tomorrow to look for a place to live. I've wanted to move there for quite a while and I think I'm actually going to do it now. I'm getting very nervous though! I've lived in the SF Bay Area most of my life and I've lived with someone all my life. Now I'm planning to go off to strange city all by myself. I guess 52 is old enough? So today I'm going to look at apartments and not ask anyone else what they think. It will be all mine. I've been alternating between panic and excitement with panic generally winning! I really believe it's a good thing and that I'll be happy but it's scary. And it means leaving stuff that I'm not sure I'm ready to give up. I guess it's time though. I have bunches of places printed out to look at and I've already checked on the most important thing - they have plenty of libraries!


Peruby said...

Wow! How exciting. It will be some adventure and make sure to post it so it is all written down. Writing it down also gets rid of a lot of anxiety, too. Good luck!

Andrea said...

Go for it! At 52, I too, am living alone for the first time. Sometimes scary but most of the time, liberating! Sending positive vibes. :)

robin michelle said...

Thanks Peruby & Andrea! I'm glad I checked email before I left - it's nice to have some positive thoughts to take with me!

~~louise~~ said...

Hi Robin,
I made the move from a bustling life in New York to a quaint little Victorian town in Pennsylvania ten years ago with much apprehension. Although I do drive back and forth from PA to NY for business reasons, my trepidation was quickly quieted by the sense of adventure and curiosity I encountered in my new surroundings. Living alone, on my own for the first time, has been one of the most rewarding experiences I ever could have imagined. I am now in a place where I can go out for a bite to eat and not worry about whether I will be slipped in a corner. I sit at the head of the table facing other diners and I LOVE it!!! Libraries, of course, are of the utmost importance:)

Good Luck Robin. I'll be away for a few days but, I'll be sure and check in when I return to see how you did.

P.S. So funny my word verification is NESTSO. It's a sign:)

robin michelle said...

Thanks Louise. It sounds like your move worked really well - that gives me hope! I had a pretty long day yesterday but I'm going to write something about it later.