Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Little Boxes

I found this week's quote (To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings)  a few days ago online. I can't remember what I was looking for when I came across it (not unusual for me, I'm always finding what I wasn't looking for) but I really liked it & added it to the blog. I keep thinking about it - which I guess is the point! Anyway it made me think about the song Little Boxes which you can listen to in the video clip below. Between the quote, the song and the movie, Bread & Tulips, I've been thinking a lot lately about expectations and being what you want and weird stuff like that!

We all, to some degree aren't ourselves. We try and be what we think other people want, to fit ourselves into the box we're told we belong in by our families and society. I think some people get into their box, get comfortable and happily live their entire lives that way. Some poke their heads out and duck back fast because it looks dangerous outside. Most of us are comfortable a little bit out of the box so long as we know it's there in case we need it. Then there are those people who consciously say forget it, tear the box apart and get on with their lives. Generally those are pretty interesting people to know. Rarer though are the people who don't even know there is a box. You can't put them in it because they can't see it. Those people don't have to fight the battle of being themselves - they just naturally are.

Somehow, and it's awfully odd given that I'm a person who clutches her little box with great passion, I managed to give birth to one of those people who just don't get it. If you know Jill, you know what I mean. She is always herself. I find that quite amazing. Parents, if they are wise (not that I'm claiming to be), learn from their children. I've learned a great deal from Jill not least of which is that it is ok to be who you are.

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