Monday, April 27, 2009

Bread and Tulips

If you haven't seen this movie I'd recommend doing so. I don't watch movies very often but I was house sitting this weekend and being away from home sometimes causes one to do wild and crazy things. The homeowners had a huge (okay 3) stack of netflix movies and Bread and Tulips was one of them. It sounded good so I started watching. Well it turns out the movie is in Italian with English subtitles. I hate watching movies with subtitles so I very nearly turned it off. Fortunately I decided to keep watching for a few minutes & then I was hooked. I have to admit that by the end of the movie I had pretty much forgotten it wasn't in English because I enjoyed it so much!

I don't want to give away the story so here's a quick overview. Rosalba Barleta is on vacation with her family and gets left behind by the tour bus. She ends up in Venice and decides to stay there for awhile. She finds a job and begins to make a new life for herself. Meanwhile her husband hires a plumber as a PI to track her down. It sounds like one of those mid-life crisis, someone finding themselves movies and in a way it is but it's more than that also. One reviewer said it was like Rosalba had spent half of her life marking time in a world with which she felt no connection. Then she finds herself in a world that makes sense for her. We should all be so lucky.

That's all I'm going to tell you so get the movie! It really was great. As I said I don't watch a lot of movies and usually the ones I watch I'm not all that impressed with. I really liked this though. It won 9 Italian Academy Awards and a bunch of other film awards. So you don't have to just take my word for it!

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