Monday, April 20, 2009

Dead At Your Age

Well this is a bit weird but kind of interesting I guess. The site is called Dead At Your Age. You input your date of birth and it tells you people who were - you guessed it - Dead At Your Age! I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know that I've lived longer than Napoleon by 2 weeks thus far. I've also lived longer than the following people:

John Gorrie
Billy Kyle
Susan Butcher
Alois Alzheimer

The last one gives me great hope. My slightly warped brain figured out that if I've lived longer than the guy who "found" Alzheimer's disease perhaps I won't get it. Anyway as I said it's a little strange but if you have nothing better to do try the site.

I found this site because I subscribe to a blog called AltSearchEngines. It's a pretty interesting site (well if you like search engines it is) that you might enjoy visiting.


Deni said...

Highly intriguing!

Charles Knight said...

Glad you're s subscriber to our pretty interesting site!

Charles Knight, editor