Friday, January 30, 2009


This is great! By following the Hotdogger Blog you can track where the Wienermobile will be. That way you'll know if it is near you. Once I saw it on 580 near Castro Valley. It was pretty cool! You can also follow the trail of the Wienermobile on Twitter if you are so inclined.

Did you know that the first Wienermobile was built in 1936 at a cost of $5000? In 2008 a Mini Wienermobile was built on a Mini Cooper! Amazing the things you can learn online!

See I told you all that everybody has a blog - even the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. You should feel left out if you don't have one!

Robin, the lonely (and clearly bored) blog mistress

1 comment:

jet said...

I once found a WienerWhistle while digging in the dirt to plant something. That was where John used to live in Hayward. I too have witnessed the appearance of the famed Wienermobile. Quite the sight.