Saturday, January 10, 2009

A College Graduate

I think I've mentioned a time or two that I have been taking math classes I needed to finish my BA degree. I started working on my degree quite a number of years ago and have stopped and started over the years. I was going to give you a long explanation of why I wasn't sure I could finish this year but even I was getting confused by it. To make a long story somewhat shorter, I just found out yesterday that the University approved my petition to graduate under the catalog requirements in effect at the time I started. This means that I am currently enrolled in the final class that I need in order to graduate. When I finish this class in March that will be it. I'll be a college graduate. Well actually you have to apply, which I did, and pay money, which I did and then fill out papers which I'll do. But . . . I'll be a college graduate. Later than I'd planned but I did it. I actually cried when I read the email saying it was approved. I really did it! I will have a bachelors degree in history. Pretty cool isn't it?

Robin, the lonely (but educated) blog mistress


Deni said...

This is awesome! Congratulations, you've worked long and hard for this and should be proud. Inspiring!

robin michelle said...

Thanks Denise! You should be finishing soon also, right?

Deni said...

Yep! In Spring of '09 :0). Good feeling isn't it?