Friday, June 4, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I posted about one of my cats, Pippin. I've been meaning to share a couple of pictures about my other cat and am finally getting around to it. Mellifera (her name is from Greek and means honey-bearing) makes me think of that old nursery rhyme about the little girl with the curl, when she was good she was very, very good and when she was bad she was horrid.

She can be the sweetest, lovingest cat in the world. She'll curl up in my arms and give me kisses and reach her paw up and gently pat my cheek. Then she'll sit on the couch next to me and hiss and scratch me if I move or turn the page of my book! I'm a little prejudiced but I think she's a really beautiful cat and deserves her own blog post!


Peruby said...

Wow, sounds like she's bi-polar!

robin michelle said...

It wouldn't surprise me!