Saturday, June 5, 2010

An Invitation

I have another blog that is a journal of my eating & exercise. Until today it's been restricted so that only a few people could read. For a number of reasons, I've decided not to keep it private any longer. You're invited to read, comment, threaten, encourage, laugh. Whatever. We all have things that are hard for us to deal with & food is one of mine. I'm trying everyday to eat better and exercise and I'd appreciate all the support I can get!

The blog is called And Again and you can click on the name to view it. The title is from a little book I found a number of years ago in a used bookstore. Called Always We Begin Again, it's about the Benedictine way of living. It reminds me that everyday is another chance to start again no matter what happened yesterday.

One of the reasons I decided to share this is because of something I read. While I won't go into that now partly because I'm still feeling kind of emotional, what it comes down to is it made me realize that everyone does have problems and things that are hard to deal with. Even people whose lives may look perfect have the same kind of struggles. I've had this idea for years that I could hide being overweight. Ok, I never said I was particularly rational! But it's the idea that if I don't say I have a problem, there is no problem. While I'm better than I was a few years ago, I still have a long way to go. One of the things I've (partially) learned is that support is crucial. I've had tremendous support from a small group of people who I can't thank enough. But I really need all the help I can get! So take a look if you have time and please comment if you feel like it. Thanks!


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Robin you are so right. We all keep our secrets for whatever reason. People think I have it all together. No one knows me, not anyone. Not even the man I have lived with for 38 years. Maybe knowing your hurdles will help me jump mine.

robin michelle said...

I hope it helps. It's taken me a long time, a lot of help and a lot of emotional pain to figure out (and I'm still not at all close!) that nobody can do it by themselves. I always think everyone else has their life all worked out and it's good to be reminded that we all have issues to work on.